Friday, August 15, 2008

don't hit me!!

Most parents have only 1 favourite hobby : hitting their children. Children do not feel so good and start doing bad things and might be smoking or even taking drugs. Parents will be worried and start to regret their mistakes. I have listed a few tips how to improve the relationship of the family:

1. Spend more time with the family.

2. Give the poor "chap" more allowance. This will make him happier.

3. If you have more than one child,don't just care for one of them. Love each of them the same amount.

4. Do not beat the child so many times!!!! this will cause IGNORANCE!!

5. Do not pressure! Pressuring your child makes them unhappy and their brains become very bored. They will be less active,in otherwords sleepy very fast.

Kids should never do bad things too. These are some examples:

1. Taking drugs

2. Drinking alcohol

3. Robbing

4. Killing innocent and non-innocent people.

5. Smoking

I wish to end to end the post and I hope visitors will not complain. :)

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