Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my dream land of planes

I love to make paper planes. Today I am publishing my post of my planes

This i a photo of the group. After this I will be showing each of them one by one.

This plane is called the Flat Flyer. Its strange structure still enables it to fly well.

This one's Feather. Feather can be played indoors or outdoors. It is one of the most beautiful.

This is the Fighting Falcon. Its incredible weight in front helps it move faster.

This is Breeze. He is sleek and fast. Me and my best friend keep fighting over this plane.

Triumph is his name. The most beautiful among all...

This plane is called Canard. It is the fastest of them because of its strong foundation.

The most intelligently made plane. Interceptor is it's name.

It is called Dart Nose. The sharp pointy nose is as sharp as a blade.

Eagle...ahh, it is a very fine plane.

Wide Wing's wing impresses me a lot. It can fly for a long distance

Dart Nose's cousin, the Bull's-Eye Dart.

The hoop-nosed scooter. This one has a special nose. A very immortal one.

I thank all my visitors for letting me show you my strange planes.

Friday, August 15, 2008

don't hit me!!

Most parents have only 1 favourite hobby : hitting their children. Children do not feel so good and start doing bad things and might be smoking or even taking drugs. Parents will be worried and start to regret their mistakes. I have listed a few tips how to improve the relationship of the family:

1. Spend more time with the family.

2. Give the poor "chap" more allowance. This will make him happier.

3. If you have more than one child,don't just care for one of them. Love each of them the same amount.

4. Do not beat the child so many times!!!! this will cause IGNORANCE!!

5. Do not pressure! Pressuring your child makes them unhappy and their brains become very bored. They will be less active,in otherwords sleepy very fast.

Kids should never do bad things too. These are some examples:

1. Taking drugs

2. Drinking alcohol

3. Robbing

4. Killing innocent and non-innocent people.

5. Smoking

I wish to end to end the post and I hope visitors will not complain. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

why study???

A main question for young kids."Why should I study?"

Studying is a basic thing for people( I did not mean studying the computer). This activity should be practiced by young children at an early age of 2 1/2 years old. Most children give lame excuses to their parents why so little work is done. I have listed down 10 lame,funny and stupid excuses given by kids:

1. Mommy, Teacher Lee gave too much homework in school. She gave us a lot of Hand-Writing to do!!

2. Oi! jangan rotan saya. Kamu tahu tak kerja ini sungguh susah!!!

3. Please! Not the roti panjang!!! Alright, I tell you why so little work. I fell asleep doing my work.

4. I have a lot of research on the computer to do on "Geography". So i have reasons for you not to use the magic stick. :)

5. you know that I have a phobia of working.

6. Do you know that nowadays, school gives more homework?

7. There is a bug disturbing me all day long! After a few hours I smacked it down.

8. I went for basketball training. Don't use the cane, I beg you!

9. I have divided the amount of work I would do in my diary. I only need to do four pages of work everyday!!!! :)

10.Don't disturblah!! I do not like it when you strip me naked when I am still doing my school homework.

These 10 reasons are mainly what a child may tell their parents if they do not complete their homework.I would continue in my next chapter.